Andreas Noack, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
European and German Patent and Trademark Attorney
UPC Representative
Automotive, Semiconductors, LED-Technology, Medical Devices Technology, Telecommunications
R&D Engineer in Heavy Industry
Head of the IP Division of a Medical Devices Manufacturer
We have been working with Andreas for many years, and we appreciate him being a competent and trustworthy partner. His pofessionality and attantion to detail is of particular value for us. Andreas always takes the time to be available in person, and takes care of our matters in a most reliable, careful, and expedient way.
Andreas Noack is head of the Hamburg office Stolmár & Partner.
He is German and European patent attorney and holds the „Diplome d’Université d’Etudes Superieures sur le Contentieux des Brevets en Europe“ of the University of Strasbourg. Thanks to his years of industry experience he knows about the needs of inhouse counsels, and he is happy to provide support in setting or scaling up IP departments, and in harmonising IP related procedures in cross-border organisations.
Gute Beratung holt Mandanten dort ab,
wo sie gerade sind.Andreas Noack, Stolmár & Partner